Saturday, December 21, 2019

Love in Action

Have you ever watched someone cooking?
Someone who loves it..
Revels in it..
Basks in the fragrance?
Lights up in the colours?

A Kitchen from Met Museum
It's like watching the best love-story unfold! 

Have you seen a woman-in-love, cooking?
As she glides through the kitchen 
As she kneads the dough,
Plays with the rolling pin
And sifts through the white flour on the black granite.. 
As she smells the fresh thyme, 
Or grates nutmeg
Or bakes the sweet potato.
As she sneaks in a whiff of vanilla in her sugar...

Have you looked at her as a smile spreads on her face,
With one look at the fresh cilantros 
As if some big puzzle's final-piece fits, finally! 
Have you heard her whispers to herself
"I must bake some cinnamon roll tonight!
Cinnamon rolls are the perfect smells to wake up to!"

I often fall in love with her. 
In the kitchen.
Right under that glowing light.
It's like watching the performance of a master orchestra player. 
Immersed in her own music.
Or a ballet dancer lost in her own dance..
As if the world does not exist. 
As if there is no worry of time.
As if she needs to make no one else happy, but herself. 

Have you ever seen a man cooking?
As he smells the cinnamon, 
Chops the carrot,
Licks the curry of his fingers?
Have you?

I often fall in love with that man. 


  1. Feeling and recalling myself in kitchen, most of the time in love with mix-vege and rolling chappatis and sometimes burning chappatis when not feeling love in cooking, messy slab and hearing the stigma that men always make it messy

  2. Very nicely written, sensual and delicious,reminds me of Aphrodite's Kitchen by Isabelle Allende.


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